

The Python, Level I consists of 7 Topics.


Python Level I

  • Unit 0: Orientation: In the orientation session we will go over the curriculum and expectations. There is also a brief introduction to the main concepts of programming.


  • Unit 1: Getting Started: In Unit 1 we will introduce the programming environment and the tools you will use in the course. You will also write several elementary programs.


  • Unit 2: Simple Objects. In Unit 2 we introduce Python’s simple objects and operations on them. We can think of simple objects as the atoms of the language. Everything that follows will builds on the simples.


  • Unit 3: String Methods. In Unit 3 we study a variety of string methods. Strings are sequences of characters. In the unit we will introduce concepts that are also critical to the study of collections.


  • Unit 4: Collections. In Unit 4 we study the principal collections in Python: lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries. Collections are ways of grouping objects. In Level I we will work mostly with lists and tuples. We will work systematically with sets and dictionaries in Python, Level II.


  • Unit 5: Iteration. In Unit 5 we introduce Iteration with the use of for and while loops.


  • Unit 6: Branching. In Unit 6 we study various techniques for branching.


  • Unit 7: Functions. In Unit 7 we introduce Python functions. You will learn to write your own functions but also access the rich array of functions in the Python standard and extended libraries.